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Writer's pictureChris Medellin

Being Vocal Matters

I do not like that so many people around my age are disinterested in being politically vocal. It really drives me crazy and I guess that also includes the disinterest of a lot of people in the nation as well. For me, these things matter so much. We are here, on this Earth to try to make a difference, to treat each other with love and kindness and for me, to see how things have gone these last few years, has been disheartening to say the least. I wake up dreading to hear what has happened with our leadership today because each day it gets worse.

I cannot and will not be silent. We have been given a voice to speak, a heart to feel, a brain to think and combined, we are supposed to advocate for what is right. I do not think that there is one way to solve any issue especially in a large and diverse nation like the US but, I do not think that is okay just to continue to let all this stuff happen.

It is not okay that there are people spreading hate through demonstrating white superiority. It is not okay that there are people be assaulted by people who think that it is okay to get in other people's faces and yell "go back to your country." It is not okay that people think that it is appropriate to run over people demonstrating their free speech and freed of assembly by walking in the street. The things that I have seen since Trump has ran and assumed office is absolutely disgusting and part of me still cannot believe how terrible some people can be.

The statement that I want to make with this post is that I have heard numerous times how people feel it is a waste of time to even have any sort of political view or opinion. And I just cannot believe that! If you want a better world, better opportunities for you, your family, your future children and relatives then the only way is to ensure that you are doing something to make it a little bit better for them. We need to hold the people that represent us accountable. I think that many think they have to be out in the streets protesting or watching the news all day but it can be an act smaller than that. Additionally, simply not saying that something like hate speech is wrong in any form, is saying very clearly that you think it is acceptable.

This is not being politically correct either. That term has been dragged through mud to be some kind of alternative phrase for censorship and this just not true. If you have hate in your heart, you can say what you like but you can bet that I and others like me will shut you down by saying that you are not on a moral high ground. And just to be clear, I am not perfect, I do not claim to be perfect but I know what is right and what is not and I will use my voice to make that known.

So in conclusion, we live in time where people are more okay with sharing what is on their plate or that they wear XYZ clothes but they are not comfortable with how they feel about their nation. In a few days, I expect to see on my social media that little sticker that says that you voted. I want to see our nation change to make it more acceptable to have these conversations so that people can learn to love others for their differences rather than fear and hate them. You can be the difference, open your heart, listen to others and let go of hate, fear and stereotypes of others.

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