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My Work

Poetry is a way to express feeling

My vision for this section of my site is for you connect with my writing. I have always been shy and critical of the things that I write about but I have a lot of encouragement to share my words.


I write about a lot of things however most of my writing focuses on my experiences. I hope you enjoy and find something that connects with you. After each piece you will find a link to the story behind the work.



The Sitting Stump

Original Poem By: Chris Medellin-Lopez

The young man sits on the stump of a tree he found

Crossed legs, erect back, eyes closed facing the setting sun

He meditates

His body is still except for the steadiness of his breath

Relaxed, he uses his mind to reach out and attempt to feel everything around him

The forest lives, breathes as he does

The calm in his mind touches his body

Heat radiates from his peace inflaming his own soul

He reaches out farther

Touches the tree stump he sits on

The bark is cold and firm

He reaches out farther

The grass moves with wind

The ground is damp with the dropping sun

He reaches out farther

Lightly touching the crawling ants scurrying from the hard stump

Their stiff bodies crackling with every systematic movement

He reaches out farther

With strength he touches beetles and spiders in the grass

Past the wildflowers, the bees, and the small critters playing at the foot of a pine

Passing the birds singing in the trees

Past a herd of deer in a pasture

A lone mountain lion stalking its prey

He reaches up to the heavens

Spreading his thoughts for everything to hear his question

“What should I do?”

A soft whisper in the wind replies

“Follow your heart young one, as I have done with mine for so many years.”

The Sitting Stump

You Left Me Here

Original Poem By: Chris Medellin-Lopez

I lay here on the Grass
Looking up
To the beautiful Heavens above
I know you are up there
Finally at rest
But as I look up
I can’t help but question
Like Why did you leave me
All those years ago?
Did you know that
There was a chance 
That I would be better off?
I ponder, lost
What did you do as a career?
What were 
some of the things you liked to talk about?
How tall were you?
What did your laugh sound like?
Did you ever cry for me?
What was your greatest regret?
Why did you forget about me
When I thought about you almost everyday?
Where were you when I cried for you?
Did you even miss me?
I know I that I missed you
I know that I did have 
Another Mother
But she couldn’t tell me the answers
To the questions only you
Could solve
I tried to be strong for you
But I don’t know how much longer I can wait
I lie here on the grass
On this beautiful day
Because I know that
You are happy now
But just know
You left me Here
A Little lost
A little alone


You left me here

I the Sun

Original Poem By: Chris Medellin-Lopez

Painted Black is the Sky

In a cold and forever Night

Thrust into a Vast Emptiness

Through this Black Curtain

Emerges a Light

A Light of Golden Flame

The Darkness shimmers and Retreats

Moving Away

It is Life


A Dream

Who is that Light

That has been Born from the Dark?

For now more Appear in the Emptiness

They shine with Colors of every hue

Blues, Reds and Oranges

They cast their Light to every Dark corner

Illuminating what was once Pitch Black

But what will I Do?

Will I stay Down here on This Planet?

Forced to Arch my Head back and

Only Hope?

Shall I like so many Others be subject to

Walk this World

In Doubt?

Will I follow a Path that Sends into

The Darkness?

Will I be like so many Other Men,

Men who have Tried

And Failed?

I set my Gaze back Up to the Stars

My Limbs relax as the Answer comes to Me


No more shall this Darkness Swallow me whole

For I am the Sun

The Sun that Warms All

I the sun

The Full Moon

Original Short By: Chris Medellin-Lopez

I am panting as all the muscles in my body flex with the movement of my running. I know that it is night but everything is as clear as day in my eyes as the full moon shines brightly above my head. There is the fresh green of shrubbery, trees and flowers flickering by as I gain speed. There is no real path laid down on the ground but I find that I know where I am going. I have never felt so alive but I am troubled. I cannot really tell where exactly I am. My surroundings point to the conclusion that I am in some sort of forest park. I realize is that I am running on all fours and as I look down I can see the outline of all 5 of my fingers. But even as I make that conclusion, my body moves in one fluid motion as I continue to pick up speed. My hands and feet have no trouble finding solid ground to rest on as I move swiftly through the trees and brush. I stop running abruptly. My chest heaves in a rhythmic beat as I exhale and inhale. My head inclines. Something on the air catches my attention and I know that I am almost there. Impulse takes over me and I tilt my head back releasing a howl that echoes through area. I couldn’t help but think how un-human it sounded. My jaw snaps shut and I start to sprint once more, and this time with purpose, I charged ahead even faster. I had never felt so out of control of my own body, but I let go and allowed this urge to take a hold of me and let my instincts guide me. I wasn’t running for very long when I noticed that the forest was thinning out. My ears twitched strangely as I heard the racket of a large group of people. In fact, as my ears adjusted, focusing in on the voices, I realized that I knew these people. I stalked forward closer to the source of the noise. In front of me was a large open field with a playground, swings and a slide that were the closest objects to me. I stayed in the dark of the trees because under the light of the moon these people would be able to see me. I was comforted when I realized that they were all people that I knew, my family and my friends. There were friends of mine whom I haven’t seen for years. They were all there enjoying the night, eating and chasing each other around and talking. There was a strange impulse was directing my body to run out and attack but I remained in control of my actions this time. I started to crawl out from the line of trees and make my way towards the group of people. Some of the smaller kids on the slide and swings saw me emerge and ran up to me excitedly. They hung on me and laughed happily and I smiled back. At that moment there was a mass of movement towards me. They said hello and some people hugged me. I saw my mom and she approached, pushing through the crowd that had gathered around me. Before she could say anything I spoke for the first time. My words came out deep but clear. I said, “I am back mom. And you should all see what I can do.” I hadn't really noticed before but I was standing up straight and after I spoke I crouched lower to the ground, on all fours and out of my mouth came a howl. My howl changed from a human voice to the vocals of an animal howl. I looked down to see large black and white paws as I transformed into a wolf . The kids tried to tackle me and I could feel hands all over my fur. They played with my tail and I chased them around playfully. I tried to run up a slide as part of the game but I slide down. On the second attempt, I make it and when my front paws reach the top I let out a loud and long triumphant howl. I awaken with the howl ringing in my head.

The full moon


Original Poem By: Chris Medellin-Lopez

Even with a smile on my face
I am numb
Empty inside, an empty husk of what was
Goosebumps on my arms
Shivers down my back but
The cold isn’t cold
The hot isn’t hot
80, 90, 100 miles per hour on the freeway and nothing...
I am broken...
I must be broken
That must be the only explanation
I have stepped beside myself and the structure that is, was and is no more
I have shattered
My whole world has so many fractures,
Tiny... microscopic...
invisible to your eyes
So you who sees me now can’t tell the slightest
What’s gone wrong inside
My reality has changed from the fluid like I was to the block of ice I am now
But like the ice that has just frozen over
I am brittle
And in a blink I have broken down
I feel like a balloon that has been let go
My stomach turns and churns
My back is knotted, my throat is dryer than my sunken eyes
Gravity crashes on me
I can't support my weight
My head is the heaviest and I find myself staring at the ceiling more times than I can count
Frozen, Unable to move...
I check my chest, its there but so much has changed, has transformed and... I am no more
I have evaporated...
I had a breakdown

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